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Grounding or Earthing

Grounding is considered a natural anti-inflammatory.   

The earth's "heartbeat" is considered a frequency of 7.83Hz 

Grass Close Up


This phenomenon, known as Schumann resonance, is caused by a global electrical circuit.  These natural forces of solar wind, thunderstorms, and lightning contribute to an enormous amount of free electrons on the earth's surface.  These free electrons conduct with the human body upon skin contact-- no shoes allowed.   

Most of society is disconnected to the physical earth.   Modern life blocks our connection to the earth with buildings, streets, shoes, etc.  The CM2 web offers this "heartbeat" frequency.

Grass Close Up
Lake and Mountains Landscape


Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells.  We are electrical beings.  When atomic cells are properly balanced, they function at their best.  Benefits from grounding include:  

* reduced inflammation

*reduced "silent inflammation"

* reduced oxidative stress

*improved cellular restoration and energy

*calming impact on the brain

*improved blood flow and circulation

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